Our Thematic Curriculum Schedule!
We offer a monthly thematic based curriculum that allows for our preschoolers to experience learning through an exploration of the world while drawing from the incredible imagination of their young minds. Each month we cycle through various letters, numbers, colors, shapes and form connections through the exploration of our monthly theme and holidays.
We are thankful to have wonderful teachers in all of our classrooms that use our thematic schedule to develop exponential activities and learning experiences that are designed specifically for the age group in which they work with. We encourage our teachers to jump in and invest themselves in the exploration of our themes, and we encourage you too! We absolutely love when you are able to discuss with your young learners what they are learning at school. And trust us, your little-one will think you have super powers when you miraculously know what they are learning at school!!
Below, you can see our annual thematic schedule that all of our classrooms follow!
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